Most probably the problem is due to the access to Internet of the computer where you are trying to send your abstract. If so, you are not sending correctly the data when introducing and clicking over "Send", but when previewing data does not appear updated. To solve this problem, you should recharge the page, clicking over the icon (upper menu tab of your navigator) of "Update" (or going to "See/ Update"), while you maintain pressing the Control key. This is the way to recover the last version from Internet and not the one that is stored in the cache memory of the proxy server.
You may probably have problems with the plugin of the Acrobat Reader in the navigator of your computer. In these cases the best is not to press over the left buttom "Abstract preview", but instead click over the right buttom and select the option "Save as….", recording the PDF file in the hard disk and opening it from the hard disk, not directly from the web. If you another computer available, probably you may access directly.
There is not an actual technical problem. Just start over again with the registration process from the beginning and fill in the fields and check out if the problem still occurs. Please, don't forget that the application distinguishes capital and small letters. If Caps Lock is activated (for example) you might enter your password incorrectly. The most common reason for the problem would be that an error has been when entering the e-mail address, the password or password confirmation field or due to a server failure just when you tried to send your abstract. If you are already registered but cannot remember your login and password, please contact us via e-mail ( ).
No, the application limits to one of the referenced institutions for each autor. You must select the one that you most prefer that appears in the abstract.
To insert a table you have to do it through the section of Tables in the Application. They will appear at the end of the abstract. You cannot paste the table directly in one of the sections (Results, Discussion, Conclusions….) On top of this, you have to bear in mind the limit of extension of the abstract which you have to avoid exceeding to be able to send it and a limit of eight columns for each table. In addition, the application does not allow to copy and paste the whole table from other program, you have to fill out each of the cells separately.